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5 New Year Resolutions for DBA’s

5 New Year Resolutions for DBA’s

5 New Year Resolutions for DBAs   It’s said that “promises are made to be broken”. Surely database administrators don’t fall in that category? It’s that time of the year to keep up with the tradition and pledge to make some...
MongoDB Europe 2016: Key Takeaways

MongoDB Europe 2016: Key Takeaways

Key takeaways from MongoDB Europe 2016 Forget the jokes about “MongoDB is web scale”. Today MongoDB Europe 16 proved Mongo’s scale of appeal by hosting an event in London that was bursting at the seams with over 1,200 attendees. For sure Professor Brian Cox proved a...
Why Start Ups should embrace ISO 27001:2013

Why Start Ups should embrace ISO 27001:2013

Why Start-Ups should embrace ISO 27001 Part of the fun of launching a start-up is the release from corporate red tape, throwing away the shackles of internal politics, pointless meetings and soul sapping processes. When you sit down dreaming of the launch and pull...